
The content of this Regulation is harmonized with the current legal framework, specifically with:

  1. Articles 129, 424 and 461 of Law 4957/2022 “Center for Teaching and Learning”.
  2. Article 51 of Law 4009/2011 (A’ 195) “Structure, operation, quality assurance of studies and internationalization of higher education institutions”.
  3. Articles 7 and 84 par. 8 of Law 4485/2017 (A’ 114) “Organization and operation of higher education, regulations for research and other provisions”.
  4. Paragraph 3 of article 80 in combination with paragraph 2 of article 5 of Law 4009/2011 (A’ 195) “Structure, operation, quality assurance of studies and internationalization of higher education institutions”, as amended and in force.
  5. Decision No. 164073/Z1 of the Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs (Government Gazette 878/YODD/22.10.2019), on the election of Rector and Vice-Rectors of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) for a term of four (4) years, from 23.10.2019 until 31.08.2023.
  6. Decision No. 318/23.10.2019 (Government Gazette 4086/08.11.2019 Vol. B’) of the Rector of NTUA, on the determination of the order of replacement of the Rector of the National Technical University of Athens.
  7. Decision No. 347/12.11.2019 (Government Gazette 4482/9.12.2019 Vol. B’) of the Rector of NTUA, on the determination of the field of responsibility and the individual competencies of the three Vice-Rectors of NTUA.
  8. Article 4 of Law 3861/2010 (Government Gazette 112/A/13-7-2010) – Enhancing transparency by mandatory publication of laws and acts of government, administrative and local authorities on the internet through the “Diavgeia Program” and other provisions, as amended by the provisions of Law 4210/2013, as well as the decision issued under its authorization no. ΥΠΟΙΚΔ6.1127865/EX2010/30-9-2010 and the circular of the Ministry of Administrative Reform and e-Governance no. ΥΑΠ/Φ.40/3404/2-6-2014 (ADAE: BIIKCX-3FD) as in force.
  9. Decision no. 28474/20.06.2022 (Government Gazette 3394/01.07.2022 B’) “Establishment of the Center for Teaching and Learning at the National Technical University of Athens.

The Center for Teaching and Learning is established and is part of the Organization and the Internal Operating Regulations of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) with the aim of providing high-quality teaching. The Center is administratively integrated into the Directorate of Studies, which belongs to the General Directorate of Administrative Support and Studies of the NTUA and is supervised by the Vice Rector for Administrative, Academic and Student Affairs. Until the publication of the new organization of NTUA, it operates according to the present Operating Regulations.

The Vice Rector for Administrative, Academic and Student Affairs is responsible for drafting and amending the Internal Operating Regulations of the Center, which he/she proposes for approval to the Senate of the Institution.

The field of University Pedagogy has been constantly developing over the last decades and the operation of teaching support centers is a common practice in many tertiary education institutions worldwide. In this context, and as provided for in Article 51 of Law 4009/2011, as amended by Article 129 of Law 4957/2022, the “Center for Teaching and Learning” is established, which provides support for the upgrading of the teaching work and the development of teaching skills of the teachers.

The Center’s mission is to ensure the provision of high-quality teaching, promote University Pedagogy through actions aimed at creating a learning community, innovation, and continuous improvement of teaching work at NTUA, supporting teachers to exchange and create good learning and teaching practices, record their needs, reflect, develop modern and effective educational activities, using Information and Communication Technologies during the teaching of university courses, in order to create learning environments that facilitate and support learning in the best possible way.

The Center for Teaching and Learning is supervised by the Vice Rector of Administrative, Academic and Student Affairs, and is directed by the Center Coordinator. It may be supported by members of the faculty registered in the Register of Collaborators, which is created for this purpose under the responsibility of the Center Coordinator.

The Coordinator is appointed by the Senate for a three-year term upon recommendation of the Senate Committee for Undergraduate Studies and may be the Vice Chair of the Senate Committee for Undergraduate Studies or another member of this committee or a member of the institution’s faculty in general.

The Vice Rector of Administrative, Academic and Student Affairs has the following responsibilities:

  • Ensures the implementation of NTUA policy in matters of teaching and learning.
  • Decides on all issues concerning the administration and operation of the Center.
  • Regulates matters of operation and use of the facilities and equipment.
  • Manages and exploits the research results from its activities.
  • Decides on the allocation of the Center’s resources and drafts its corresponding budget.
  • Takes any other relevant decision for actions related to fulfilling its objectives, in accordance with the provisions of this internal regulation.

The Coordinator of the Center for Teaching and Learning has the following responsibilities:

  • Collaborates with the Vice Rector of Administrative, Academic and Student Affairs to promote the objectives and goals of the Center.
  • Proposes to the Vice Rector of Administrative, Academic and Student Affairs the annual program of activities of the Center, the annual budget of its activities, as well as the initiatives, actions, and collaborations with external organizations concerning the operation of the Center.
  • Collaborates with the Deans and Schools of the University to support the implementation of the educational programs of the Center.
  • Collaborates with members of the teaching staff, such as faculty members, adjunct professors, laboratory teaching staff, and other categories of educators at the University, to develop supportive actions aimed at improving teaching and learning at the University.
  • Supervises and oversees the operation and evaluation of all kinds of activities developed by the Center.
  • Organizes learning circles, training activities, seminars, etc.
  • Gathers and/or designs research material.
  • Ensures the creation of a repository of educational and research material (in print or electronic form), as well as best practices.
  • Collaborates with other similar structures of domestic and foreign universities and develops common actions and synergies.
  • Organizes a Registry of collaborating members, either academic personnel or external experts, on teaching and learning matters, in order to support specific and/or specialized actions of the Center.
  • Represents the Center within and outside the Institution.
  • Coordinates research and funding programs of the Center.
  • Is responsible for the financial management of the Center, signs contracts for personnel, supplies, and services that the Center enters into for its general and specific needs, as well as corresponding payment orders.
  • Proposes to the Research Committee of the Rectorate the signing of contracts for personnel, supplies, and services that the Center enters into for educational and other functional needs.
  • Co-signs contracts for personnel, supplies, and services that the Center enters into for its general needs with the President of the Institution’s Rectorate when he is the scientific supervisor of the projects.
  • Forms committees to study or handle specific issues falling within the responsibilities of the Center.
  • Drafts an annual report of the Center’s work, which is submitted to the Vice Rector of Administrative, Academic and Student Affairs, as well as to the Center’s Director.
  • Is responsible for keeping a record of the actions of the Center and the ability to access them, in accordance with legislative provisions for the protection of personal data. 
  • Takes any other relevant initiative in cooperation with the Vice Rector of Administrative, Academic and Student Affairs for actions related to fulfilling the mission of the Center, as defined in its internal operating regulations.

The Center may be assisted in its educational function (support for individual learning circles and its overall actions) by members of the Registry of Collaborators of the NTUA or by the Registry of Collaborators of other tertiary education institutions, institutes, domestic or foreign organizations that include members of teaching and research staff and external experts in the field of teaching and learning.

The activities of the Center for Teaching and Learning include the organization of learning cycles, training and professional development programs in Engineering Sciences for the optimal use of Information and Communication Technologies in Pedagogy, as well as in the Natural Sciences and Humanity Studies of Tertiary Education.

In addition, it develops communication, collaborations and partnerships with members of the academic staff, laboratories, centers, offices, bodies, institutes and institutions that operate in Greece and abroad, which have as their object teaching and learning, with the aim of exchanging technical knowledge regarding modern educational approaches and educational services provided by tertiary education institutions.

The learning cycles and any type of activity of the Center, partially or in their entirety, can be provided remotely.

The activities of the Center focus mainly on the following axes:

  • Support of the teaching staff and their updating on innovative practices for the education of undergraduate and postgraduate students, in new approaches to Education, with various actions such as organizing learning circles and short seminars.
  • Support of the teaching staff and their updating on the exploitation of New Information, Communication, and Education Technologies, in collaboration with the already existing technical infrastructure and administrative services of the NTUA.
  • Operation of a focal point (repository) for the collection and redistribution of supportive educational material (in print or digital form).
  • Communication among the teaching staff and organization of meetings for the exchange of opinions regarding successful practices or problems they face in the exercise of their teaching duties.
  • Development of initiatives and collaborations with other similar structures of tertiary education institutions, institutes, or bodies with similar activities that operate in Greece or abroad.

The Center for Teaching and Learning can undertake and/or participate in additional educational activities, such as the following:

  • Organizing learning circles and all kinds of actions in collaboration with other scientific, professional, research or educational bodies and institutions in Greece or abroad, following the conclusion of a relevant cooperation protocol if it does not exist.
  • Conducting studies, developing innovative educational material related to Teaching and Learning in Tertiary Education, as well as undertaking relevant research projects.
  • Organizing Conferences/Symposia, Educational Seminars and Workshops, Summer Schools and other scientific activities, such as publishing scientific journals, etc.
  • Other responsibilities assigned by the competent Vice Rector for Administrative, Academic and Student Affairs or the Coordinator.

The headquarters of the Center are located on the premises of NTUA.

Positions for administrative employees are foreseen for the Center for Teaching and Learning. Administrative staff of the University can be placed or external collaborators or detached educators can be employed to staff it, who will undertake the following duties:

  • Administrative support of the Center’s project for the smooth operation and implementation of supporting actions, learning circles, seminars, conferences, and all kinds of activities of the Center, in accordance with the design and programming of its operation.
  • Assistance in the implementation of actions, programs, and all kinds of activities coordinated by the Center’s Coordinator within the framework of his/her responsibilities.
  • Communication with internal and external teachers, collaborating experts, institutions, and generally the Center’s partners.
  • Monitoring and keeping records of the Center’s Action Register.
  • Gathering and organizing information related to Greek and international literature on the issue of university pedagogy.
  • Keeping minutes of meetings related to the Center’s operation.
  • Keeping records of financial data for the preparation of the Center’s annual budget and financial reporting.
  • Supporting the processes of projects and programs implemented on behalf of the Center through the Special Account for Research Funds.
  • Maintenance of the website and electronic data communication/publicity of the Center’s actions.

In the Organization of the NTUA (National Technical University of Athens), there will be a position for an Administrative Officer for the Center for Teaching and Learning with the corresponding Job Description.

The resources for the operation and development of the Center for Teaching and Learning may come from:

  • The budget of the institution.
  • The Special Account for Research Funds by decision of the Senate.
  • The implementation of research/educational programs carried out on its own behalf or on behalf of third parties.
  • Funding from operational or other programs co-financed by the European Union.
  • The provision of research and, in general, scientific and educational products and services.
  • Funding from public or private sector bodies, the European Union, and other international organizations.
  • Inheritances, grants, donations, and bequests left to the National Technical University of Athens.
  • Resources and revenues from the institution’s property assets, by decision of the Senate.

The validity of this Regulation begins with its publication in the Government Gazette.

This decision is to be published in the Government Gazette.

Center for Teaching
& Learning NTUA
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