Κατάλογος ΚΕΔΙΜΑ
International Centers for Teaching & Learning
- Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου, Cyprus
- Cambridge University, UK
- Oxford University, UK
- The University of Manchester, UK
- University of Bath, UK
- University of Bristol, UK
- University of Denver, USA
- Utah Valley University, USA
- Columbia University New York, New York, USA
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- Stanford University, USA
- University of California Berkeley Berkeley, California, USA
- University of Washington Seattle, Washington, USA
- University of Michigan, USA
- Yale University, Connecticut, USA
- Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- The University of Tennessee Knoxville, USA
- Cornell University Ithaca, New York, USA
- Vanderbilt University, USA
- Carleton University, Canada
- Université Laval, Canada
- University of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
- L’Université de Genève, Switzerland
- Université de Lausanne, Switzerland
- University of Mannheim, Germany
- Hochschule- Boon- Rein- Sieg, Germany
- Amsterdam University, Netherlands
- University of Utrecht, Netherlands
- American University of Armenia, Armenia